Troll Hat

What is it about making hats? It satisfies my soul 💚

This one is for wee baby Parker! We can’t wait to meet you September this year 😍

Life is just about the best drug available! 

It’s been too long. Returning is like a warm hug when you’ve been lost in the cold. 

Life, thank you. I’m not worthy but I’ll sure as hell give it all. 💗

A mixed watercolor and ink 

Early this fall we went to Dunsborough, Margaret River and I was inspired by the many lovely boats anchored in the bay. The warm breezes and the glow of the “end of summer” was amazing! 

This was my first attempt at a mix of watercolor pigments, pencils and ink. I used white ink to help with highlights in the water. I felt very passionate about capturing the serenity and glow of life that surrounded me. In the end, I’m fairly pleased, but I learned most importantly!!

I love looking back at my paintings because they remind me of what a beautiful life I live. It’s not perfect by any means, but I’m thankful (at the end of the day) for all of it!



The True North strong and “SOMETIMES” free, as long as you….

don’t question the Government or else, don’t toboggan on public hills, walk inside the fence at St. John’s harbour (which people have been doing for over 500 years), have an abortion (the legality of which all depends on which province or country you live in), and of course as long as you DO wear Bike helmets, seat belts, etc….or ummmm, vaccinate your families against their will, submit to all medical procedures the Government deems “legal” and just for you at the moment, ummm, like maybe future micro-chipping our kids (trust them….it’ll be for your kids protection and your peace of mind), and well, as long as you allow all your freedoms to be slowly and “legally” be taken away, little by little, year by year, day by day. After all, we, as humans, didn’t evolve or survive millions of years to let it all go now, right?

So let me check, I’m pretty sure I grew up in a country that allowed me the right or the expectation of the right that I, and I alone get to decide if I want any medical procedure, Hep B, meningitis, tetanus, Ebola, chicken pox etc….or any virus, bacteria, pathogen, chemical, heavy metal injected into my blood or my body, or that of my children’s body….I did give birth to them and they are my treasures that I will die to protect!

What’s my message: Dear Canada and the world, “be careful what you demand or wish for….,” and dear media people, you have a serious responsibility in this world, so please stop spreading fear and terror to the people who can’t make informed decisions or think for themselves. Their Government and the citizens of their country are already more than happy to dumb them down and keep them under control like good little sheep without your help.

Peace, love, and hope for a kinder and more compassionate and tolerant world than the one we have currently!

PS, last I checked I still had “freedom of speech” right? Or are there laws in place to tell me (or silence me) about what I can “legally” say to the world? Anyone?



Up early today, since 4:30am, and I’m determined to enjoy the day before it gets too hot.
I’m presently sitting in the shade of a circle of Gum trees and I can smell the eucalyptus. The leaves are heating up and the scent is so amazing. It makes me happy! Is it the eucalyptus or is it just me? Maybe both.

I’m reminded to embrace each day and be happy and content wherever I be! I’m especially happy!!

What makes you happy and content?