
Have I been sleeping, distracted or immersed in an alternate dimension?

How does one simply forget that she has a blog?

Printmaking entered my life like a storm and I’ve been wandering for 3 years in it, not lost but submerged in its depths. I started my own business as well, finally. It’s in the infancy stages, but I’m turning that dial up in the new year and it will take me on new adventures. Africa has made my hit list of destinations, wow! I never saw that one coming. Never once in my 40 years on this planet did I think of going there!  I guess that’s what happens when one completely aligns with her true purpose of walking this earth. Am I in the flow? I believe I am. I’m not sure where the current is taking me, but I’m riding it. Fingers crossed, engines fired up and eye on the target! What is it exactly? Just being me, myself and I in all my glorious hot mess and hell fire!! My own sovereignty with no master but ME!! As a wise woman once said, “Repeat after me, umm, ah, hold on… I don’t have to repeat after anyone”, I do as I like and as I please, and that satisfies me! Look out life, I’m coming for you like the world’s on fire 🔥 I live in gratitude! Life is a blessing, so go live it….as you please 💖

Life is just about the best drug available! 

It’s been too long. Returning is like a warm hug when you’ve been lost in the cold. 

Life, thank you. I’m not worthy but I’ll sure as hell give it all. 💗


I’m a Newfoundlander born and bred and I’ll be one till I die. I’m proud to be an islander and here’s the reason why, I’m free as the wind and the waves that wash the sand, there’s no place that I’d rather be than here in Newfoundland… (The Islander, by Bruce Moss)

Yes, I’m a little homesick today. We are slowly taking out the Christmas decorations for our annual party and I came across this lighthouse I bought last year to remind me where I come from.  

I do my best to just let go and embrace the place I live in as my home, but there are some days I just need to hang on to my home of childhood. Today’s that day ☺️

Kick it!!

Just jump!!

Be fearless!!!

img_7133Kick your barriers down….with grace if you must! 💗


Busy Bee

Friends ask me regularly “Rhonda, where do you find the time”? And “where do you get your energy”?
Mostly, it’s the thrill of the challenge to do it all; everything that pops into my mind. I love making others happy and see them smile. I’m not particularly funny, but I have my moments, so I get my smiles this way….

 I’ve been a busy bee in the kitchen for my friend’s daughter’s 2nd birthday. The hive isn’t my idea, but I put my own embellishments on it!

And of course I can’t forget my friend’s son’s 4th birthday! Same friend! Her kiddies were born around the same date. This cake was my own creation. That said, I followed the mamma’s orders!

Life would be misery without cake!!! And I had gestational diabetes, so I know what I speak of!

Smiles! Arby


I’m taking up the challenge to post every day in November. Enough is enough and I must give blogging some much needed TLC. 

Commitment is one of my issues, which carries over into surrender, which carries over into letting go and all the other soul destroying issues our egos sling at us to hold us back, so we can maintain status quo and feel “good”.

Well this post is about my intimate dance with darkness or my ego, and about just letting go of all my “comfort-zone” inducing mechanisms.

I have my shoes…

Let’s dance…

Surrender. Easy to write, but hard to do. Sometimes I have to fight, but often that’s not accurate. I have to have courage to face what may come my way and surrender to the experience be it good or bad.

Courage: To face the abyss of uncertainty and jump anyway!!! There are dreams I want to fulfill, but to have those dreams smashed is less terrifying to me now than never even taking the first step towards them. That really terrifies me!

Well this year I’m jumping finally, and yes, I’m scared of failing. Yep! Plain and simple, but I’m just going to jump in anyway.

Peace Arby