Troll Hat

What is it about making hats? It satisfies my soul 💚

This one is for wee baby Parker! We can’t wait to meet you September this year 😍

Busy Bee

Friends ask me regularly “Rhonda, where do you find the time”? And “where do you get your energy”?
Mostly, it’s the thrill of the challenge to do it all; everything that pops into my mind. I love making others happy and see them smile. I’m not particularly funny, but I have my moments, so I get my smiles this way….

 I’ve been a busy bee in the kitchen for my friend’s daughter’s 2nd birthday. The hive isn’t my idea, but I put my own embellishments on it!

And of course I can’t forget my friend’s son’s 4th birthday! Same friend! Her kiddies were born around the same date. This cake was my own creation. That said, I followed the mamma’s orders!

Life would be misery without cake!!! And I had gestational diabetes, so I know what I speak of!

Smiles! Arby

Silence : no Om

A space in my crazy life for enjoying silence. I like to call it the “Oscar Wilde” corner…you know…drink gin martinis and contemplate beauty. While in job limbo, I have had time to get domestic, clean up, decorate…my garden never looked better! I call it procrastination 😎

How does your garden grow? 

I’m guessing if you work and have kids, not too well! Now with my extra time life flourishes all around me and, if truth be told, it’s making me creative! Translation: I start a print-making art course on Friday! Six weeks of intensive print making!! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time for, or money. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to finish my illustrations too. They’re constantly evolving and taking my writing in a different direction. I had no idea that writing a kids book would take soooooooooooo looooooooong! Actually the writing isn’t taking as long as the drawing. Illustrating is tough! Painting still life is easier by far!

Ok. You know what the irony is of creating a place to soak up silence? People (i.e. My family) are instantly drawn to it! Oh well, I think a place for cocktail hour might work better!

My cocktail creation (see….creativity!) 

Newfie Fog martini: 

2 shots of the best gin you can afford, a splash of Indian tonic, a dash or two of bitters, only a scant dash of sweet Italian Red vermouth “Rosso”, a twist (and a wee squeeze) of lime, and a wedge of watermelon on a toothpick to stir up the fog! 

Sip slowly, enjoy life, and share with someone who makes you laugh….until your stomach hurts! 

Bad to the bone!

Well! I put my artistic skills to the test in the kitchen! 

I baked a cake for my son’s 4th birthday, and I think I managed to do a killer job of it. Well….that’s my opinion being a novice homebaker. What do you think? Even the tires are rice crispy treats and black fondant!

  My boy gets such a thrill out of being bad! Haha! It’s breath-taking watching him smirk and giggle just at the thought of gettin’ away with it too! I wish I had taken a photo of his face. I guess it will have to live in my memory forever!!!

Arby 💖