Little Hats

In a world full of big things, I’m fascinated with small, tiny things. The twist is making tiny premie hats from chunky wool. It gives the hat another layer of cuteness πŸ’š

I’ve been dreaming some very scary and vivid nightmares lately. So making adorable baby hats makes me calm and happy. It’s better than seeing an angry, snarling tiger emerging from a red colored ocean with dragons on its’ back….slowly stalking me, staring at me with his black eyes like I’m a helpless Zebra stuck in the mud…and he hasn’t eaten in months! 😱 Oh stars, and that’s one of the better dreams I’ve had. I’ll just be sleeping with the lights on for a while….πŸ˜‰πŸŒΉπŸ’š Love and light 🌟🌟🌟

About Rhonda

I change daily and I find it difficult to tell you about me. I'm a mom and a woman, that doesn't change. I'm an artist, I hope that doesn't change, I'm a scientist and that's forever because I'm too curious to be anything else. But you know, all this information still doesn't help me know much about me, and so it doesn't likely help you know much about me. I guess it's best to read my blog and maybe we'll figure it out together!! Have a peek.......

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Art, knit, artist, hats, baby, chunky hats, wool, knitter, premie

Art, knit, artist, hats, baby, chunky hats, wool, knitter, premie